with the best specialists
Health starts with your feet
Your feet endure significant strain as they support your body weight and help you carry out daily activities. Each foot has 26 bones, 107 ligaments, 33 joints, and 20 muscles.
Podiatrists are healthcare professionals with the knowledge, skills, and expertise to prevent, diagnose, and treat foot conditions and deformities through therapeutic procedures.
It is important to schedule regular check-ups, at least once a year, for children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly. Feet and our walking patterns change over time due to factors such as physical activity, footwear, weight gain, and more.
Podiatry is the branch of health that studies, diagnoses, and treats foot diseases and conditions. Podiatrists specialize in comprehensive foot care, from disease prevention to injury rehabilitation.
Functions of a podiatrist:
· Evaluate the condition of the feet.
· Diagnose foot diseases and conditions.
· Treat foot diseases and conditions.
· Prescribe orthotics and prosthetics.
· Provide health education on foot care.
· Perform podiatric surgery.
Importance of podiatry:
Feet are a fundamental part of the human body as they allow us to walk, run, and maintain balance. Proper foot care is essential for preventing diseases and maintaining a good quality of life.